Setting up Clonezilla-Server

In short:

#/etc/apt/sources.list editing
echo -e "\n# Clonezilla" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

echo "deb drbl stable" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

# Add GPG-Key
apt-key add GPG-KEY-DRBL

#Update Packagelist
apt-get update

#drbl installation
apt-get install -y drbl

#Set up Clonezilla und drbl
drblsrv -i
drblpush -i

Inside of your DHCP you have to reconfigure:

For the neccessary scope.

Option 66 with IP Adress of cloning server

Option 67 with  pxelinux.0

Long(er) Explanation here:

OS Installation

Install an Ubuntu or Debian Server first. Then start with Clonezilla SE Installation. Commands have to be executed by root

sudo -i

Add this Line in your /etc/apt/sources.list

deb drbl stable

then import the GPG-Key

apt-key add GPG-KEY-DRBL

To renew sources do:

 apt-get update

and install dbrl

apt-get install drbl

This should also install every dependencies

Set up Clonezilla

First start with configuring dbrl

drblsrv -i
  1. Install Network Boot-Images: If you want to boot from Images, not for installing so i chose „N“
  2. Serial Output: I chose „N“
  3. Operating System update: I chose „N“
  4. Kernel for Client: I chose 1

Next step is:

drblpush -i
  1. DNS-Domain: choose your local domain
  2. NIS/YP Domain-Name: not neccessary
  3. Präfix for Clienthostname: as you wish eg. clonezilla
  4. NIC for Internetaccess: mostly eth0
  5. Collecting MAC-Adresses: You can choose N
  6. Ip-Adress to MAC: Clients do always get the same IPs (like reservations)
  7. Start of IP-Adress-Range: eg. 1, First IP is then 192.169.0. 1
  8. Max Clients: eg. 20, last IP would be 192.169.0. 20
  9. Diskless Services: Not needed
  10. Type of usage: For our scope 1 is enough
  11. Where to put the images?
  12. You can choose a password for accessing Clonezilla
  13. Bootprompt for Clients: N




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