Faking Mails with cutomized sender:

mail -s "Everything possible" -aFrom:bill.gargantur@iliketobeanemailfaker.com recipient@maildomain.com < /dev/null

*Will be delivered into spamfolder or not delivered cause SPF checks that mailsender is not authorized sender of the maildomain –> only if accurate spamsolution/SPF is implemented on recipient side


Some time ago I set up a Raspberry and expanded the filesystem to 16GB. Unfortunately I wanted to share the Image afterwards. I tried to reduce the size the easy way and succeeded. Procecure was:

– Created the *.img from the SD-Card of Raspberry via Win32Imager (via Read function)
– Copied the big *.img to a USB Stick (32 GB)
– Created Linux Live CD (Linux Mint) and wrote it to a USB-Stick to boot from it afterwards
– of course also plugged in the USB Stick with the img
– mounted the USB Drive and opened a Console and changed the dir (cd) where the image is

After booting into Linux Mint
– I installed quemu utils via

sudo apt-get install qemu-utils

– checked the img via

fdisk -l image.img

I saw that there are 2 partitions holding only 2,1 Gigs so I did

qemu-img resize vdisk.img 3GB

afterwards I wrote the img to an SD-Card and booted it successfully in a RPI3

Alternative would be: https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-BackUp-and-Shrink-Your-Raspberry-Pi-Image/


Script copies UltraVNC to target client (C:\vnc\) and executes UltraVNC with configurable settings. Launches VNC Viewer afterwards and removes VNC (optional).

Requirements and Usage:
- Copy psexec.exe to C:\Windows
- Run the Powershell with Admin-Rights / elevated Console
- User has to be admin on the target and local machine
- Default password = 123

– Save the Script and create a folder on the same level called „UltraVNC“
– Copy UltraVNC Programm Files to the UltraVNC folder
– Run vnc_deploy.ps1 (elevated, user has to be admin on the targeted client)


The ACL part is variable if you use it in an Domain environment. Start uvnc_settings.exe and configure Domain Access with groups or edit the *ultravnc.ini and change to:


And change acl.txt

Download Script, VNC, PSexec

#PowershellScript vnc_deploy.ps1:

# Administrator Privilige needed for Execution Policy Change
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

write "---------------------------------------------"
write "VNC Remote Access"
write "---------------------------------------------"
write "(1) Connect without permission(1)"
write "(2) Ask user for permission (2)"
$q = read-host "(1/2)"
switch ($q)
"1" {
$Hostname_PS = read-host "Enter hostname"
write "---------------------------------------------"
write "Install VNC on remote host"
write "---------------------------------------------"
copy-item UltraVNC\ -dest \\$Hostname_PS\c$\vnc -recurse
write "Assigning Config"
copy-item \\$Hostname_PS\c$\vnc\NOprompt_ultravnc.ini -dest \\$Hostname_PS\c$\vnc\ultravnc.ini -recurse
psexec \\$Hostname_PS C:\vnc\winvnc.exe -service loadinf=C:\vnc\NOprompt_ultravnc.ini
write "VNC copied to $Hostname_PS "
write "---------------------------------------------"
write "Assign security settings"
psexec \\$Hostname_PS C:\vnc\MSLogonACL.exe /i /o C:\vnc\acl.txt
write "starting VNC service"
psexec \\$Hostname_PS C:\vnc\winvnc.exe -install
start-sleep -s 5
write "---------------------------------------------"}
"2" {
$Hostname_PS = read-host "Enter hostname"
write "---------------------------------------------"
write "Install VNC on remote host"
write "---------------------------------------------"
copy-item UltraVNC\ -dest \\$Hostname_PS\c$\vnc -recurse
write "VNC copied to $Hostname_PS"
write "---------------------------------------------"
write "Assigning Config" 
copy-item \\$Hostname_PS\c$\vnc\prompt_ultravnc.ini -dest \\$Hostname_PS\c$\vnc\ultravnc.ini -recurse
psexec \\$Hostname_PS C:\vnc\winvnc.exe -service loadinf=C:\vnc\prompt_ultravnc.ini

write "Assign security settings"
psexec \\$Hostname_PS C:\vnc\MSLogonACL.exe /i /o C:\vnc\UltraVNC\acl.txt
write "Starting VNC service"
psexec \\$Hostname_PS C:\vnc\winvnc.exe -install
start-sleep -s 5
write "---------------------------------------------"}}

write "Connecting to $Hostname_PS"
& UltraVNC\vncviewer.exe -connect $Hostname_PS -quickoption 7
write "---------------------------------------------"
write "---------------------------------------------"
write "---------------------------------------------"
write "---------------------------------------------"
$Pause = read-host "Enter any to uninstall VNC"
write $Pause
psexec \\$Hostname_PS C:\vnc\winvnc.exe -uninstall
start-sleep -s 5
Remove-Item \\$Hostname_PS\c$\vnc -recurse
write "---------------------------------------------"

If you dont want to login with password everytime or you want to use autossh then you should think about Key Login or Key based authentication in SSH.

Generate SSH-Key:


by default they are saved here



pi@pi:~/.ssh $ ls -lart
insgesamt 16
drwxr-xr-x 20 pi pi 4096 Jän 3 18:47 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 390 Jän 3 18:47 id_rsa.pub
-rw------- 1 pi pi 1679 Jän 3 18:47 id_rsa
drwx------ 2 pi pi 4096 Jän 3 18:47 .

show content of generated file:

more id_rsa.pub
RPQEYZHgKulwZpl71lqtOv+/oSyW+g+QomvbRXu9PqbXtbRThNQw4YfpiN pi@pi

Copy to remote machine (where you want to login without password)

vi /user/.ssh/authorized_keys

copy the content inside of this file.

SSH Connection to the host should now be possible without using password.

Makes also AutoSSH possible:

autossh -R 20000:localhost:22 root@domain.com

to connect from the other side:

ssh -p 20000 pi@localhost

Recieved 2 additional Raspis and couldnt’stop setting them up unfortunately the display ordered was broken so i didnt build the mobile RetroPi. So I tried it with my cheap china beamer:


Longrunner Cam with Raspberry and self build Lego Case.


Unfortunately broken display (Raspi HD TFT Hat 800×480).

But a 10″ touch screen and case arrived


Kuman Raspberry Pi 3.5

+ Raspberry Pi 3 B+

+ Anker PowerBar (10000 mAh)

Installed NetPi Image from: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pCzC8NRPJU0gfBHewlNSo_Z0O3xk7fbY

see also:


Install additional Kali-Tools

apt-get install git
# git clone https://github.com/LionSec/katoolin.git  && sudo cp katoolin/katoolin.py /usr/bin/katoolin
chmod +x /usr/bin/katoolin

establish remote ssh-connection via ssh reverse tunnel (provides ssh-connection to rasp in a network via a server/device with a public ip)

on the raspberry:

ssh -R 2222:localhost:22 loginOfServerIP@ServerIP
on server side to connect back to raspberry:

ssh -p 2222 loginOfComputerWithoutPublicIP@localhost

verify usage of autossh  if regularely needed


mysql::db do failed: MySQL server has gone away at ./inclibdb.pm line 1848

Solved by

set a higher value for wait_timeout and connect_timeout in my.cnf

from the MySQL Documentation

  • wait_timeout : The number of seconds the server waits for activity on a noninteractive connection before closing it.
  • connect_timeout : The number of seconds that the mysqld server waits for a connect packet before responding with Bad handshake


  • If wait_timeout is 1800 (30 Minutes), the DB Connection will close in 30 minutes if the connection is idle (indicated by Sleep in the command column of the processlist).
  • If connect_timeout is 10, then mysqld will reject you if you cannot login (authenticate) in 10 seconds.

Kernel Panic after yum upgrade to kernel 3.10.0-957.1.3.el7.x86_64 ona Centos 7 VM:

– booted old kernel
– no initramfs-3.10.0-957.1.3.el7.x86_64.img in /boot

Solved by

– yum remove kernel-3.10.0-957.1.3.el7.x86_64

– verify uninstallation

rpm -qa | grep kernel | sort

– reinstall

yum install kernel-3.10.0-957.1.3.el7.x86_64

– verify again, check initramfs creation in /boot

rpm -qa | grep kernel | sort
ls -la /boot/initram

reboot into new kernel

see also: https://ma.ttias.be/reinstall-the-linux-kernel-on-centos-or-rhel/
